Nationalism …..

Nationalism distinctively is a modern political ideology which arose late 17th century, first in Europe and America, then everywhere else, and it reached its apex at the time of World War I and World War II. Besides, it’s directly related to the nation-state formation which became more obvious Late Middle Ages. The nation which represent typically a group of people who share a common history, cultural or language and have a sentiment of national unison and affirming a distinct ethnic identity. Whereas, the state is a part of land whose people have an independent government. Thus, the nation-state appears if a nation and a state have the same boundaries. Nation-states began to expand during the 17th century since the communication enhanced at that time. Thus, people became increasingly aware of the part of their nation that rest outside their own community. Loyalty to local and religious leaders began to decline, and dedication to kings grew stronger. At that time of history, England, France, Spain, and several other countries had become nation-states. The nation manifestation in particular had either economic or ideological causes and the state had its political agenda and view, when one or both of the conceptions arise; the Nationalism appears. Nationalism is an ideology where the nation supposes it possesses distinct allegations to virtue. Nationalism is based both on group fancy and as the product of Industrialization, Modernization and in less content, Capitalism. In the Industrial phase, from the mid-19th century to World War I, the concept of common sovereignty took fire among secondary classes mobilized by the spread of industry, commerce and commercialized agriculture. Also, as noticed, the nationalizing expansion at work was elite-driven processes to create relatively autonomous, territorially bounded political and economic units, by creating horizontal and vertical homogeneities and overcoming internal cleavages. Whilst in the process reshaping the social groupings within those boundaries into “national people”, and thus push not just industrialization and the market economy forward, but also strengthen and enlarge the power base of the nation-state in the making both domestically and in the larger world. So, these states were becoming more representative and more national, whereas, it is often affirmed that in the industrial phase the whole population began to recognize their interests and their sense of honor with those of their state opposed to other nation-states. Hence, the nationalist emotions of citizens and the state nationalist activities merged and produced the Extreme Nationalism. Reaching the Military era and the race for rearmament between nation states; violent nationalism had widen its demand, but this was mainly in a specific and “statist” means. Hundreds of thousands of bureaucrats, teachers and public sector workers now depended for their income on the state; hundreds of thousands of young middle class men passed through its institutions of higher education; while millions of young men of all classes were disciplined by a military cadre into the unusual moral, forced yet emotionally attached, that is the hallmark of the modern mass army. These three bodies and their families provided most of the fervent nationalists as studies of pre war pressure groups revealed. They were “extra-loyalists” or “nation-statists”, with an imaginary loyalty to what they conceived to be the morality of their nation-state, where these state ideals were mixed. But since all states were militarist, their servants were generally mobilizable at least to an allegedly “defensive” militarism as in WWI. Seeing that, the military merits were still a valued part of masculine culture; hence, women were appreciated as the carriers and nurturer of future warriors only. The period of World War II; common sovereignty was totally achieved. Thus nationalism and ethnicity were extremely harmful. Politics, not ethnicity, generated most of the odd emotional intensity, the barbarity conducted in the name of morality, of the modernist period. Many nation-states maintained the group solidarity by creating cultural and ethnicity as bonds. Besides, the discrimination and the political oppression led to larger degree of unity and group recognition. Accordingly, nationalism was based on fear and self sense, which required sanctuary in conformity, homogeneity and uniformity. In addition, after World War I states began to legitimate terror and nation-states became to use extreme violence to achieve its aims which created the “Extreme Intolerance of Nationalism”. Extreme nationalism may result in racial hatred and in persecution of minority groups. The ideology of modern extreme in tolerance of nationalism made genocide possible, in others words; the genocide is a product of extreme nationalism. By creation of “Us” and “Others” as real danger, by the feeling of superiority produced from success lead to extreme intolerance of nationalism. Hence, it was a political decision behind the genocides and massacres, killing thousands of people under the Nationalism motto. The propaganda, national schools, stimulating emotions and mass communication allowed for the creation of extreme intolerance of nationalism. There is no differences between we are patriotic citizens and they are nationalist, it is just propaganda, nationalist is the same everywhere and should be replaced by democracy and humanism.

About kholoud Baddar

To be myself as Human and to live in peace. Try to spread the meaning of love and peace. Try to change something in our society or at least in our environment. I believe in the humanism values such as human rights and antidiscrimination. Try to think out of the box in order to reach some answers.
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2 Responses to Nationalism …..

  1. unfortunately I’m not with you again. Nationalism and/or patriotism don’t have to lead into extremism. Compare Germany and the USA. In Germany there is no openpatiotism except in the field of sport because of what happened in the two WorldWars. In the USA there is a very high amount of patriotism which is expressed in every state of everyday life and which led to a unification of this multiethnicsociety. Besides this, if you look at it from a psychologic view, it is only normal that people make ingroup and outgroup differentiations. Belonging to a group whether it is a religious, an ethnic or a political group, means to distinguish oneself from the others. This distinction supports the own psychological balance and gives oneself self confidence. Every human beeing is a part of this process.

  2. Dear friend, I do agree with you, nationalism is one face of our identity that we feel proud about. Nonetheless, sooner or later it will lead to extreme nationalism. You took Germany as an example –which is great example-; Germany practiced the extreme nationalism within the first and second world wars. After that, the defeated Germany has to stop the people or their citizens from being nationalist; even they abandoned holding the flag. They were not allowed until recently to explore their nationalist feeling even through sports (as you mentioned). The German citizens had to feel sham regarding their nationality and this was obligatory and mandatory. All of that assisted in feeling more human not nationalist – for so many people – and to accept and respect the multicultural environment. The governments stopped being the motor behind the nationalism and nationalists; that’s why Germany now more tolerance.
    Regarding the USA, did the nationalism unify the states?? No, it was the threat from outside which unified the states, then the perception of nationalism. (I am going to write about this issue soon, that’s why I won’t explain it all here – surprise) After the USA became so nationalist and so strong, they became to invade other countries under many enclosed reasons. The wars, the secret prisons, the terror and being above the law indicate that USA is extreme intolerance nationalist.
    Now referring to belonging, you are right; everyone needs to belong to something, no matter what. But the question here is why?? This I will answer about it (as I said before) in the next subject.
    Thank you dear for your wonderful comments.

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