US, Europe and Palestine. Woman … is another property

One may jump and say; what are you talking about? USA and Europe!! Maybe in your country but never in ours! What if I say that I have an excellent proof concerning my theory! You just set back and let me lead the way to enlighten people. Many people assure that Europe and the USA are one of the most leading countries, especially in the fields of human rights. I may argue and say; only within their own societies. Also, I can argue and guarantee that they are trying to spread the concept of human rights amongst many other societies, even sometimes; they oblige other governments to respect and implement these concepts. Except, they overlooked something within their own societies; the woman’s right.

Woman‘s right means to be in equal footstep and position as same as the man. The equality and the impartiality should be one of the most important concepts among the guardians of woman’s right.  Treating woman as a fully responsible person, as a fully legal entity and as human, is also the other side of the coin. Woman should have the fully right to speak, to live, to choose and the right to be herself. Also it means that the woman should have the same salaries as men. She should attain the same treatment in acquiring a job or a position, with respect to the biological differences as a mother. All of that means that woman can choose her own lifestyle and her own destiny.

Many now will jump again and argue that the USA and Europe respect all of these obligations, and they do implement and encourage such orientation. But, nevertheless, I will show you that this is not the whole truth. I have one simple example to show that …. It is Mrs. Salama. Woman as property moves from her father’s custody when she gets married to her husband custody. Within this movement, the woman’s family name has to change according to her new custodian. I have moved from being Baddar to Salama according to this property moving.  Of course I am here in Palestine, but it is the same rule in Europe and in the USA. Yet, it is even a purely American practice. Woman, when she get married have to change her family name according to law; the masculine law. And by doing this kind of changes, they do proof to everyone that we are still men’s properties.  Despite the legal and security issues that may men argue about, it is just moving the property of men.

No male can imagine how it is hard, at least for me, to drop my family name. It doesn’t mean in any how that I don’t respect my husband’s family name, not at all. But no one can feel the injury that I experienced whenever I achieve something and it have to be registered in my husband’s family name. It is not easy to imagine the harm it did and still doing during the life cycle. Each day you feel confused about your last name and can’t get used to it. To feel that you are a thing moves between two main elements that you surely love. To be called in a different name, in one of your rare momentum.

Now some people will again raise their voices and say; it is optional! I have been informed by a friend of mine that it is an optional procedure here in Palestine, but I am not sure if it is optional in Europe or in USA. Accordingly, maybe it was my fault back then, but it is two-way road. It was my fault not to ask and it was the government fault not to tell. Maybe I can change it since it is optional, but unfortunately, it is a very hard and long procedure here in Palestine, since we are still related to the Israeli computers under the security alibi. Finally, the only one who suffers from being another property is me … the woman.

About kholoud Baddar

To be myself as Human and to live in peace. Try to spread the meaning of love and peace. Try to change something in our society or at least in our environment. I believe in the humanism values such as human rights and antidiscrimination. Try to think out of the box in order to reach some answers.
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2 Responses to US, Europe and Palestine. Woman … is another property

  1. rafat barakat says:

    I can understand your argue toward this issue however, I could be easier for children in the future for example making less confusion when calling children by one name in sated of two their mothers and fathers name.

    • Hey Rafat … I didn’t even reach that point yet. But yet it is ok for me that the children will be called by their father’s family name. However, it is now the problem of the woman to be just another moving property. I hope one day all of these issues will be finished. Thanks Rafat

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